Nowadays most nurses have to care for elderly people and in the future this will become always more frequent due to progressive ageing of population. Thus nurses will need to have the necessary skills so as to be able to answer to the many complex needs of this population. A national survey has been carried out to find out what kind of Gerontological education currently exists in Italian nursing degree courses. A questionnaire was sent out to all the coordinators/directors of the Nursing Schools in the 171 educational locations within the 38 Italian universities where the degree course was active during the academic year 2005/2006. 34 university (84.4%) and 88 of the 171 locations (51.4%) answered the questionnaire.A certain variety is present at national level for theoretical and clinical education in Geriatrics and Gerontology, in terms, for example, of number of credits, type of clinical placements and time in the curricula for the educational experiences; most Nursing Schools have specific courses dedicated to Geriatric/Gerontological contents. Moreover coordinators/directors believe that the space offered to Geriatrics education is enough and that overloading of the curriculum would be a more considerable obstacle to the introduction and to the increase of Geriatric content in the curricula. Although not all Italian Nursing Schools participated, this survey provides relevant information about present education offered in elderly care in Italy, and permits us to give useful suggestions to Italian educators and nursing tutors.
La maggior parte degli infermieri si trova ad assistere persone anziane e in futuro questo sarà sempre più frequente a causa del progressivo invecchiamento della popolazione. Sarà necessario quindi che i futuri infermieri possiedano le competenze necessarie per rispondere ai bisogni diversi e complessi di questa popolazione. Per conoscere quale formazione in ambito geriatrico è fornita attualmente nei Corsi di Laurea in Infermieristica è stata condotta un’indagine nazionale attraverso l’invio di un questionario ai coordinatori delle attività professionalizzanti delle 171 sedi didattiche delle 38 università italiane che avevano attivato il corso di Laurea nell’anno accademico 2005-06. Hanno risposto 34 Università (84,4%) e 88 delle 171 sedi (51,4%). Dalle risposte fornite dai coordinatori risulta una certa difformità nella formazione teorica e clinica relativa all’assistenza agli anziani a livello nazionale, in termini, ad esempio, di crediti teorici e clinici attribuiti, di tipologia di sedi in cui svolgere l’attività di apprendimento clinico e di momento in cui inserire tali esperienze nel curriculum, anche se nella maggioranza delle sedi contattate sono presenti corsi dedicati alla Gerontologia/Geriatria e Infermieristica Gerontologia/Geriatrica. La maggior parte dei coordinatori ritiene, inoltre, che lo spazio dedicato alla formazione in ambito geriatrico sia in qualche modo sufficiente e che il sovraccarico del curriculum sia l’ostacolo più significativo all’inserimento e all’ampliamento dei contenuti geriatrici nel piano di studi Questa indagine, anche se non ha visto il coinvolgimento di tutte le sedi di formazione, ci fornisce importanti informazioni sull’attuale formazione offerta nell’ambito dell’assistenza all’anziano in Italia e ci consente di fornire utili suggerimenti a formatori e docenti.
Gerontological and geriatric education in baccalaureate nursing degree: A national survey[La formazione geriatrica e gerontologica nei corsi di laurea in infermieristica: un’indagine nazionale]
Nowadays most nurses have to care for elderly people and in the future this will become always more frequent due to progressive ageing of population. Thus nurses will need to have the necessary skills so as to be able to answer to the many complex needs of this population. A national survey has been carried out to find out what kind of Gerontological education currently exists in Italian nursing degree courses. A questionnaire was sent out to all the coordinators/directors of the Nursing Schools in the 171 educational locations within the 38 Italian universities where the degree course was active during the academic year 2005/2006. 34 university (84.4%) and 88 of the 171 locations (51.4%) answered the questionnaire.A certain variety is present at national level for theoretical and clinical education in Geriatrics and Gerontology, in terms, for example, of number of credits, type of clinical placements and time in the curricula for the educational experiences; most Nursing Schools have specific courses dedicated to Geriatric/Gerontological contents. Moreover coordinators/directors believe that the space offered to Geriatrics education is enough and that overloading of the curriculum would be a more considerable obstacle to the introduction and to the increase of Geriatric content in the curricula. Although not all Italian Nursing Schools participated, this survey provides relevant information about present education offered in elderly care in Italy, and permits us to give useful suggestions to Italian educators and nursing tutors.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.