This research, aimed at finding a philosophical horizon or model within which to adequately frame the category of relationship in the experience of pregnancy, was first articulated in the analysis of the different characterizations that the psychological, philosophical and biological literature has variously provided. In fact, the study is opened by a paragraph in which all the scientifically available evidence on the relationship between pregnant woman and fetus is reported, to then move on to analyze in depth, in the light of the aforementioned evidence, the categories of symbiosis, parasitic relationship, hospitality, of attachment, of dialogue. From their ontological inadequacy, capable of justifying the search for a new and at the same time all-encompassing definition, at the same time the need for a theoretical study on the experience of pregnancy itself emerged, which led me to an analysis of the concepts expressed. in this regard by some exponents of female thought of the second half of the twentieth century, such as Irigaray, Kristeva, Iris Marion Young and Edmée Mottini-Coulon. Despite the differences between the various authors, in fact, it is precisely in the feminist literature that it is possible to find a first treatment of the maternal and of the category of relationship, making it a leitmotif of its opposition to the so-called "patriarchal" thought. However, while giving us the supporting structures of a discourse on gestation centered on the notions of flesh and identity, it appeared somewhat "immature" from a theoretical point of view. Hence the need for a further study, also justified by the consideration that this work of explanation could be read in perspective, but also retrospectively. The analysis conducted on the categories of pregnancy would in fact have contributed to shedding light on this experience long neglected by speculative thought, but at the same time it would have been an opportunity for further reflection and study on human structure and condition. The search for an adequate philosophical horizon of reference in which to frame pregnancy as a contradictory bodily experience led me to confront myself with phenomenological literature, in particular with the thought of Michel Henry, who makes the category of carnality, corporeality or bodily subjectivity, the peculiarity of the human. Although the use of this notion in the philosophical field has a relatively recent history, which began with Maine de Biran's philosophical reflections on one's own body and especially with the Husserlian distinction between Körper and Leib, then appearing as a central figure in the thought of Marcel and Merleau-Ponty, for the purposes of this work I preferred to refer exclusively to the characterization provided by the French philosopher Michel Henry. The categorization that the radical phenomenologist offers of the term in his writings, in fact, while referring variously to his predecessors, seems to be characterized by a renewed effort to overcome any kind of dualism concerning the human. Therefore, studying corporeality or flesh in pregnancy, as Kristeva indicates, necessarily implies a reference to subjectivity, to a self which, participating in the peculiar and unique temporality of movement of this experience, structures or restructures its own identity by relating to the other in a way so intimate as to include it in its own definition. Precisely for this reason I have sought a conception of identity that is not opposed to otherness, but which, while holding firm to its substantialism, does not conceive the latter in a static way, but rather a "dynamic" one, capable of integrating the latter. in its temporal variant and in the relational dimension. In this sense, the Ricoeurian category of "self as another" appeared illuminating to me, as it is capable of combining an otherness that is not first and foremost "otherness of the other", but of selfhood itself and to such an intimate degree and profound that one cannot be grasped without the obligatory reference to the other. The how is therefore not taken by the hermeneutic philosopher as a simple term of comparison, in the sense of "self similar to other", but in the strong sense of implication, or rather of "self as other". Hence, moreover, the proposal of a reading of the relationship in pregnancy as recognition, for the characterization of which I have referred again to the thought of Ricoeur, since, in addition to being the first to propose a philosophy of recognition in the literature, he declines it as paths , or rather in a polysemy of meanings that appeared to me particularly illuminating the situation of pregnancy. Hence the almost mysterious symbolicity of an event with respect to which the present work does not claim to be exhaustive, on the contrary it promises to resume and deepen its theoretical instances, which inevitably in this research have remained in the initial state of draft. If developed exhaustively, the latter seem to me to help illuminate the action of a contemporaneity which, although interested in questioning "scientifically" the relationship between mother and fetus in pregnancy, nevertheless does not seem to recognize its depth in practice.
La ricerca, volta a trovare un orizzonte o modello filosofico all'interno del quale poter inquadrare adeguatamente la categoria di relazione nell'esperienza della gravidanza, si è scandita dapprima nell'analisi delle diverse caratterizzazioni che la letteratura psicologica, filosofica e biologica ne ha variamente fornito. Lo studio infatti è aperto da un paragrafo in cui vengono riportate tutte le evidenze scientificamente disponibili sulla relazione tra gestante e feto, per passare poi ad analizzare in profondità, alla luce delle suddette evidenze, le categorie di simbiosi, di relazione parassitaria, di ospitalità, di attaccamento, di dialogo. Dalla loro inadeguatezza ontologica, atta a giustificare anche la ricerca di una definizione nuova e nello stesso tempo onnicomprensiva, è emersa nel contempo la necessità di un approfondimento teoretico sull'esperienza della gravidanza in sé, che mi ha portato ad un'analisi delle concezioni espresse a riguardo da alcune esponenti del pensiero femminile della seconda metà del Novecento, quali Irigaray, Kristeva, Iris Marion Young e Edmée Mottini-Coulon. Malgrado le differenze tra le varie autrici infatti è proprio nella letteratura femminista che è possibile reperire una prima trattazione del materno e della categoria di relazione, facendone un leitmotiv della sua contrapposizione al pensiero cosiddetto "patriarcale". Tuttavia, pur consegnandoci le strutture portanti di un discorso sulla gestazione imperniate sulle nozioni di carne e di identità, essa è apparsa alquanto "immatura" da un punto di vista teoretico. Da qui la necessità di un approfondimento ulteriore, giustificato anche dalla considerazione che tale lavoro di esplicazione potesse leggersi in prospettiva, ma anche retrospettivamente. L'analisi condotta sulle categorie della gravidanza avrebbe infatti contribuito a far luce su quest'esperienza a lungo trascurata dal pensiero speculativo, ma nello stesso tempo sarebbe stata occasione di un'ulteriore riflessione e approfondimento sulla struttura e condizione umane. La ricerca di un orizzonte filosofico di riferimento adeguato in cui inquadrare la gravidanza come esperienza corporea contraddittoria mi ha portato a confrontarmi con la letteratura fenomenologica, in particolare con il pensiero di Michel Henry, il quale fa della categoria di carnalità, corporeità o soggettività corporea, la peculiarità dell'umano. Sebbene l'impiego di tale nozione in ambito filosofico abbia una storia relativamente recente, che ha avuto inizio con le riflessioni filosofiche di Maine de Biran sul corpo proprio e specialmente con la distinzione husserliana tra Körper e Leib, apparendo poi quale figura centrale del pensiero di Marcel e Merleau-Ponty, per le finalità del presente lavoro ho preferito rifarmi esclusivamente alla caratterizzazione che ne fornisce il filosofo francese Michel Henry. La categorizzazione che il fenomenologo radicale offre del termine nei suoi scritti infatti, pur richiamandosi variamente ai suoi predecessori, sembra caratterizzarsi per un rinnovato sforzo di superare ogni tipo dualismo concernente l'umano. Studiare dunque la corporeità o carne in gravidanza, come indica la Kristeva, implica necessariamente un riferimento alla soggettività, a un sé che, partecipando della peculiare e unica temporalità di movimento di tale esperienza, struttura o ristruttura la propria identità rapportandosi all'altro in maniera così intima da ricomprenderlo nella propria definizione. Proprio per questo ho cercato una concezione dell'identità che non si contrapponesse all'alterità, ma che, pur tenendo fermo il suo sostanzialismo, non concepisse quest'ultimo in maniera statica, quanto piuttosto "dinamica", in grado di integrare la seconda sia nella sua variante temporale che nella dimensione relazionale. In tal senso la categoria ricoeuriana del "sé come un altro" mi è apparsa illuminante, in quanto capace di coniugare un'alterità che non è anzitutto e primariamente "alterità dell'altro", ma dell'ipseità stessa e ad un grado così intimo e profondo che l'una non si lascia cogliere senza il riferimento obbligato all'altra. Il come quindi non viene assunto dal filosofo ermeneutico quale semplice termine di paragone, nell'accezione di "sé somigliante ad altro", ma nel senso forte di implicazione, ovvero di "sé in quanto altro". Da qui inoltre la proposta di una lettura della relazione in gravidanza come riconoscimento, per la caratterizzazione della quale mi sono rifatta nuovamente al pensiero di Ricoeur, poiché, oltre ad essere stato il primo a proporre in letteratura una filosofia del riconoscimento, la declina come percorsi, ovvero in una polisemia di accezioni che mi sono apparse particolarmente illuminanti la situazione di gravidanza. Da qui la simbolicità quasi misterica di un evento rispetto a cui il presente lavoro non ha nessuna pretesa di esaustività, anzi si promette di riprenderne e approfondirne le istanze teoretiche, che inevitabilmente in questa ricerca sono rimaste allo stato iniziale di abbozzo. Se sviluppate esaustivamente, queste ultime mi sembra possano contribuire ad illuminare l'agire di una contemporaneità che, seppure interessata a questionare "scientificamente" la relazione tra madre e feto in gravidanza, tuttavia nella pratica sembra non riconoscerne la profondità.
La categoria di relazione nell'esperienza della gravidanza. Per un'ermeneutica della procreazione umana / Iilaria Malagrinò , 2016 Mar 07. 28. ciclo
La categoria di relazione nell'esperienza della gravidanza. Per un'ermeneutica della procreazione umana
This research, aimed at finding a philosophical horizon or model within which to adequately frame the category of relationship in the experience of pregnancy, was first articulated in the analysis of the different characterizations that the psychological, philosophical and biological literature has variously provided. In fact, the study is opened by a paragraph in which all the scientifically available evidence on the relationship between pregnant woman and fetus is reported, to then move on to analyze in depth, in the light of the aforementioned evidence, the categories of symbiosis, parasitic relationship, hospitality, of attachment, of dialogue. From their ontological inadequacy, capable of justifying the search for a new and at the same time all-encompassing definition, at the same time the need for a theoretical study on the experience of pregnancy itself emerged, which led me to an analysis of the concepts expressed. in this regard by some exponents of female thought of the second half of the twentieth century, such as Irigaray, Kristeva, Iris Marion Young and Edmée Mottini-Coulon. Despite the differences between the various authors, in fact, it is precisely in the feminist literature that it is possible to find a first treatment of the maternal and of the category of relationship, making it a leitmotif of its opposition to the so-called "patriarchal" thought. However, while giving us the supporting structures of a discourse on gestation centered on the notions of flesh and identity, it appeared somewhat "immature" from a theoretical point of view. Hence the need for a further study, also justified by the consideration that this work of explanation could be read in perspective, but also retrospectively. The analysis conducted on the categories of pregnancy would in fact have contributed to shedding light on this experience long neglected by speculative thought, but at the same time it would have been an opportunity for further reflection and study on human structure and condition. The search for an adequate philosophical horizon of reference in which to frame pregnancy as a contradictory bodily experience led me to confront myself with phenomenological literature, in particular with the thought of Michel Henry, who makes the category of carnality, corporeality or bodily subjectivity, the peculiarity of the human. Although the use of this notion in the philosophical field has a relatively recent history, which began with Maine de Biran's philosophical reflections on one's own body and especially with the Husserlian distinction between Körper and Leib, then appearing as a central figure in the thought of Marcel and Merleau-Ponty, for the purposes of this work I preferred to refer exclusively to the characterization provided by the French philosopher Michel Henry. The categorization that the radical phenomenologist offers of the term in his writings, in fact, while referring variously to his predecessors, seems to be characterized by a renewed effort to overcome any kind of dualism concerning the human. Therefore, studying corporeality or flesh in pregnancy, as Kristeva indicates, necessarily implies a reference to subjectivity, to a self which, participating in the peculiar and unique temporality of movement of this experience, structures or restructures its own identity by relating to the other in a way so intimate as to include it in its own definition. Precisely for this reason I have sought a conception of identity that is not opposed to otherness, but which, while holding firm to its substantialism, does not conceive the latter in a static way, but rather a "dynamic" one, capable of integrating the latter. in its temporal variant and in the relational dimension. In this sense, the Ricoeurian category of "self as another" appeared illuminating to me, as it is capable of combining an otherness that is not first and foremost "otherness of the other", but of selfhood itself and to such an intimate degree and profound that one cannot be grasped without the obligatory reference to the other. The how is therefore not taken by the hermeneutic philosopher as a simple term of comparison, in the sense of "self similar to other", but in the strong sense of implication, or rather of "self as other". Hence, moreover, the proposal of a reading of the relationship in pregnancy as recognition, for the characterization of which I have referred again to the thought of Ricoeur, since, in addition to being the first to propose a philosophy of recognition in the literature, he declines it as paths , or rather in a polysemy of meanings that appeared to me particularly illuminating the situation of pregnancy. Hence the almost mysterious symbolicity of an event with respect to which the present work does not claim to be exhaustive, on the contrary it promises to resume and deepen its theoretical instances, which inevitably in this research have remained in the initial state of draft. If developed exhaustively, the latter seem to me to help illuminate the action of a contemporaneity which, although interested in questioning "scientifically" the relationship between mother and fetus in pregnancy, nevertheless does not seem to recognize its depth in practice.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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