To date there are many civil and criminal disputes between patients and surgeons, having as their object the complaint of a damage that is assumed to derive from the exercise of medical activity in general and surgery in particular and the consequent recognition of a responsibility of individual professionals or the structures to which they belong. In fact, surgical specialties, as also emerges from the jurisprudence examined, represent those most at risk of more or less legitimate claims by patients or their families. Unfortunately, the lack of extensive and exhaustive statistical data does not make it possible at present to analyze this phenomenon with due accuracy: it is not possible to establish whether and to what extent the increase in litigation is a consequence of the development of medicine also from a technical point of view. with the consequent greater complexity and riskiness of certain services provided, a greater inclination to quarrels by patients, sometimes improperly sensitized by the media, to gaps of a regulatory nature, to factors inherent in the health organization (restriction of resources and personnel, provision of services in shorter times), to economic factors (the economic crisis can lead in some cases to try to 'monetize' any adverse events occurring as a result of medical-surgical treatment) or to still other causes. In any case, it seems necessary to underline that this increase in litigation has allowed jurisprudence to elaborate applicative rules on the responsibility of the doctor in general and of the surgeon in particular, partly filling the regulatory 'gaps' and sometimes making up for the slowness of the legislator ( some authors have spoken of a so-called jurisprudential law). However, these rules are by no means static and immutable: the dizzying evolution of science and technology on the one hand and the development of social conscience on the other mean that the jurisprudential principles in the field of medical liability are daily subjected to severe stresses, which test continued validity. The path followed by jurisprudence and legal doctrine in the formulation of the most consolidated principles and guidelines to date will therefore be outlined in this paper, thus allowing to outline the scope of the surgeon's civil and criminal liability: think for example of the problem of causality and the relative degree of proof required, particularly in the context of omissive conduct; the criteria for ascertaining guilt; the issue of sharing the burden of proof; the content of the contract in civil liability; the centrality of the patient's consent; or the role recognized by the guidelines and therapeutic practices accredited by the scientific community. By focusing our attention on the specific discipline of plastic surgery, and avoiding entering into the merits of the specific risks inherent in the various surgical techniques, our goal will be to extrapolate rules of good practice in compliance with current legislation, the code of ethics and the indications emerging from the scientific community, in the light of what are the indications coming from living law, or from the jurisprudential side. But also to highlight the particularly critical areas that have been accompanying the practice of this discipline for several years now. For this reason, and in order not to remain on purely abstract argumentative levels, we considered it appropriate to proceed with a collection and analysis of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, relating to the specific sector of plastic surgery, in order to derive the aspects of the discipline more specifically subject to judicial attention, the guidelines outlined, the unresolved criticalities, the perimeter of the chargeable conduct within which the plastic surgeon must operate in the care practice. The jurisprudential review will therefore be the starting point for conclusive considerations in which we will try to trace possible evolutionary lines about the future of the discipline and the progress of the dispute relating to the plastic surgery sector.
Assai numerose risultano ad oggi le controversie civili e penali che vedono contrapposti pazienti e medici chirurghi, aventi ad oggetto la denuncia di un danno che si assume derivato dall'esercizio dell'attività medica in generale e di quella chirurgica in particolare ed il conseguente riconoscimento di una responsabilità in capo ai singoli professionisti od alle strutture di appartenenza. In effetti proprio le specialità chirurgiche, come emerge anche dalla giurisprudenza esaminata, rappresentano quelle più a rischio di rivendicazioni, più o meno legittime, da parte dei pazienti o dei loro familiari. Purtroppo la mancanza di dati statistici ampi ed esaustivi non rende possibile allo stato attuale analizzare con la dovuta accuratezza questo fenomeno: non è possibile infatti stabilire se ed in quale misura l'aumento del contenzioso sia conseguente allo sviluppo della medicina anche sotto il profilo tecnico, con la conseguente maggiore complessità e rischiosità di talune prestazioni erogate, ad una maggiore inclinazione alle liti da parte dei pazienti, sensibilizzati talora impropriamente dai media, a lacune di carattere normativo, a fattori inerenti l'organizzazione sanitaria (restrizione delle risorse e del personale, erogazione delle prestazioni in tempi più ridotti), a fattori di ordine economico (la crisi economica può indurre in alcuni casi a cercare di 'monetizzare' eventuali eventi sfavorevoli occorsi a seguito di un trattamento medico-chirurgico) ovvero ad altre cause ancora. Appare ad ogni modo necessario sottolineare che questo incremento del contenzioso ha consentito alla giurisprudenza di elaborare regole applicative in materia di responsabilità del medico in generale e del chirurgo in particolare, colmando in parte dei 'vuoti' normativi e supplendo talora alla stessa lentezza del legislatore (alcuni autori hanno parlato di un cosiddetto diritto giurisprudenziale). Tali regole tuttavia non sono affatto statiche ed immutabili: la vertiginosa evoluzione della scienza e della tecnica da un lato ed il divenire della coscienza sociale dall'altro fanno sì che i principi giurisprudenziali in materia di responsabilità medica siano quotidianamente sottoposti a severe sollecitazioni, che ne mettono alla prova la perdurante validità. Sarà quindi delineato in questo elaborato il percorso seguito dalla giurisprudenza e dalla dottrina giuridica nella formulazione dei principi e degli orientamenti ad oggi più consolidati, permettendo così di delineare il perimetro della responsabilità civile e penale del chirurgo: si pensi ad esempio al problema della causalità e del relativo grado di prova richiesto, particolarmente in ambito di condotte omissive; ai criteri per l'accertamento della colpa; al tema della ripartizione dell'onere della prova; al contenuto del contratto nella responsabilità civile; alla centralità del consenso del paziente; ovvero al ruolo riconosciuto alle linee guida ed alle pratiche terapeutiche accreditate dalla comunità scientifica. Concentrando la nostra attenzione sulla specifica disciplina della chirurgia plastica, ed evitando di entrare nel merito dei rischi specifici inerenti le diverse tecniche chirurgiche, il nostro obiettivo sarà quello di estrapolare regole di buona pratica conformi alle normativa vigente, al codice deontologico ed alle indicazioni emergenti dalla comunità scientifica, alla luce di quelle che sono le indicazioni provenienti dal diritto vivente, ovvero dal versante giurisprudenziale. Ma anche di evidenziare le zone di particolare criticità che ormai da diversi anni accompagnano la pratica di tale disciplina. Per tale motivo, e per non restare su piani argomentativi puramente astratti, abbiamo ritenuto opportuno procedere ad una raccolta ed analisi della giurisprudenza della Corte di Cassazione, relativa allo specifico settore della chirurgia plastica, allo scopo di evincere gli aspetti della disciplina più specificamente oggetto di attenzione giudiziaria, gli orientamenti delineati, le criticità irrisolte, il perimetro delle condotte esigibili entro cui deve operare il chirurgo plastico nella pratica assistenziale. La rassegna giurisprudenziale sarà quindi il punto di partenza per delle considerazioni conclusive in cui cercheremo di tracciare possibili linee evolutive circa il futuro della disciplina e l'andamento del contenzioso relativo al settore della chirurgia plastica.
Profili di responsabilità professionale in chirurgia plastica: specificità della branca, orientamenti giurisprudenziali e linee evolutive / Marika Langella , 2016 Mar 07. 28. ciclo
Profili di responsabilità professionale in chirurgia plastica: specificità della branca, orientamenti giurisprudenziali e linee evolutive
To date there are many civil and criminal disputes between patients and surgeons, having as their object the complaint of a damage that is assumed to derive from the exercise of medical activity in general and surgery in particular and the consequent recognition of a responsibility of individual professionals or the structures to which they belong. In fact, surgical specialties, as also emerges from the jurisprudence examined, represent those most at risk of more or less legitimate claims by patients or their families. Unfortunately, the lack of extensive and exhaustive statistical data does not make it possible at present to analyze this phenomenon with due accuracy: it is not possible to establish whether and to what extent the increase in litigation is a consequence of the development of medicine also from a technical point of view. with the consequent greater complexity and riskiness of certain services provided, a greater inclination to quarrels by patients, sometimes improperly sensitized by the media, to gaps of a regulatory nature, to factors inherent in the health organization (restriction of resources and personnel, provision of services in shorter times), to economic factors (the economic crisis can lead in some cases to try to 'monetize' any adverse events occurring as a result of medical-surgical treatment) or to still other causes. In any case, it seems necessary to underline that this increase in litigation has allowed jurisprudence to elaborate applicative rules on the responsibility of the doctor in general and of the surgeon in particular, partly filling the regulatory 'gaps' and sometimes making up for the slowness of the legislator ( some authors have spoken of a so-called jurisprudential law). However, these rules are by no means static and immutable: the dizzying evolution of science and technology on the one hand and the development of social conscience on the other mean that the jurisprudential principles in the field of medical liability are daily subjected to severe stresses, which test continued validity. The path followed by jurisprudence and legal doctrine in the formulation of the most consolidated principles and guidelines to date will therefore be outlined in this paper, thus allowing to outline the scope of the surgeon's civil and criminal liability: think for example of the problem of causality and the relative degree of proof required, particularly in the context of omissive conduct; the criteria for ascertaining guilt; the issue of sharing the burden of proof; the content of the contract in civil liability; the centrality of the patient's consent; or the role recognized by the guidelines and therapeutic practices accredited by the scientific community. By focusing our attention on the specific discipline of plastic surgery, and avoiding entering into the merits of the specific risks inherent in the various surgical techniques, our goal will be to extrapolate rules of good practice in compliance with current legislation, the code of ethics and the indications emerging from the scientific community, in the light of what are the indications coming from living law, or from the jurisprudential side. But also to highlight the particularly critical areas that have been accompanying the practice of this discipline for several years now. For this reason, and in order not to remain on purely abstract argumentative levels, we considered it appropriate to proceed with a collection and analysis of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, relating to the specific sector of plastic surgery, in order to derive the aspects of the discipline more specifically subject to judicial attention, the guidelines outlined, the unresolved criticalities, the perimeter of the chargeable conduct within which the plastic surgeon must operate in the care practice. The jurisprudential review will therefore be the starting point for conclusive considerations in which we will try to trace possible evolutionary lines about the future of the discipline and the progress of the dispute relating to the plastic surgery sector.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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