RATIONAL Clinical reasoning is a skill that could be improved to the extent that we know what it entails. Nowadays, a new wave of scientism is taking place in clinical methodology, mainly due to the rapid success of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and the critical debate that has developed since its inception. The lack of due attention to the role of intuition in medicine is just one of many different aspects of this situation. In particular, a rational argument of clinical intuition is not possible if we advocate an epistemological approach uniquely focused on the measurable aspects of medical cognition. In this regard, an adequate epistemology of clinical reasoning should represent intuition as one of the determining factors of the quality of the diagnostic process, even if it goes beyond a purely quantitative research approach. TARGETS The aim of this study was to explore the role and concept of intuition in diagnostic reasoning from an epistemological point of view, being neither universally recognized nor systematically investigated. An attempt was made to broaden the understanding of clinical intuition by deepening the knowledge of its theoretical basis, consistent with its complex nature and its importance in medical practice. The present research has attempted to fill a gap between practice and theory of clinical intuition, freeing it of the prevailing uncritical perceptions and ambiguities, in order to favor an appropriate use of this important cognitive ability. On the basis of the proposed theoretical framework, an educational approach was discussed aimed at highlighting those conditions that can favor the triggering of intuition in medicine. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was divided into three main sections. The first part outlines an overview of clinical reasoning, with particular regard to the epistemological value of realism for an adequate approach to the theme of clinical rationality. The second section explores the intuitive dimension in clinical reasoning, moving from the philosophical to the strictly medical terrain. Drawing on the Popperian methodological tradition and the theories of the dual process of thought, the importance of the hypotheses formulated by the physician was emphasized, as well as their intrinsic intuitive nature. An analysis of the literature from both perspectives was conducted in order to outline a first conceptualization of the intuition, showing its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the last section of the work proposes a theoretical framework for understanding clinical intuition, specifically analyzing the nature, object and logic of the process of this cognitive dimension, through the support given by the presentation of some clinical scenarios. The Platonic tradition, with its recent reinterpretations by eminent philosophers such as Michael Polanyi, has been integrated with the Aristotelian-Thomistic one, for a broader and more realistic picture of intuition in medicine. RESULTS Starting from the clarification of those philosophical foundations useful for illuminating this cognitive dimension and its close link with the generation of the diagnostic hypothesis, a proposal for the definition of clinical intuition in terms of a cognitive ability of an intellectual and a-logical nature has taken shape, which manifests itself suddenly with an immediate awareness of its content and without resorting to a process of sequential reasoning. The expression "essential intuition" has been introduced to indicate the tendency to acquire the essence or the formal cause of the clinical case investigated, that is what specifies it from the others, even if we have amply emphasized that the intuitive content cannot be qualified apodictically. Intuitive experience generally occurs through a recognition of analogies, that is, seeing traces in the clinical situation investigated that recall regularities already known but applied in other scenarios. The recognition of a pattern through intuition can be unconscious or not, as well as fast or prolonged over time, as a consequence of an interconnected set of conditions. This suggested that intuition is not a unitary construct, being able to distinguish at least two main types that occur in the clinical setting: the ordinary or analytical one and the extraordinary or creative one. The theoretical framework that emerged from this study represented a starting point for outlining an educational approach focused on those factors that can influence the genesis, immediacy and effectiveness of clinical intuition. This non-marginal aspect of the study was described by proposing the expression "ecology of intuition", which indicates the internal and external conditions of the subject that can influence its development, it being understood that the intuitive experience cannot be accurately described with regarding the dynamic interrelationships that intervene between these factors. In this regard, in the near future, it would be appropriate to encourage more phenomenological studies on clinical intuition, in order to promote greater awareness of its tacit aspects, while collecting useful data to implement a path to improve clinical intuition more targeted and informed.
RAZIONALE Il ragionamento clinico è un'abilità che potrebbe essere migliorata nella misura in cui conosciamo ciò che essa comporta. Al giorno d'oggi, una nuova ondata di scientismo sta avendo luogo nella metodologia clinica, principalmente per effetto del rapido successo dell'Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) e del dibattito critico che si è sviluppato sin dal suo sorgere. La mancanza di una dovuta attenzione al ruolo dell'intuizione in medicina è solo uno tra i tanti diversi aspetti di questa situazione. In particolare, non è possibile un'argomentazione razionale dell'intuizione clinica, se sosteniamo un approccio epistemologico focalizzato in modo univoco sugli aspetti misurabili della cognizione medica. A tal proposito, un'adeguata epistemologia del ragionamento clinico dovrebbe rappresentare l'intuizione come uno dei fattori determinanti la qualità del processo diagnostico, anche se essa va oltre un approccio di ricerca meramente quantitativo. OBIETTIVI Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di esplorare il ruolo e il concetto dell'ntuizione nel ragionamento diagnostico dal punto di vista epistemologico, non essendo né universalmente riconosciuto né sistematicamente indagato. Si è cercato di ampliare la comprensione dell'intuizione clinica approfondendo la conoscenza delle sue basi teoriche, coerentemente con la sua natura complessa e con la sua importanza nella pratica medica. La presente ricerca ha tentato di colmare una lacuna tra la pratica e la teoria dell'intuizione clinica, liberandola delle prevalenti percezioni acritiche ed ambiguità, in modo da favorire un uso appropriato di questa importante abilità cognitiva. Sulla base della cornice teorica proposta, è stato discusso un approccio educativo volto ad evidenziare quelle condizioni che possono favorire l'innesco dell'intuizione in medicina. MATERIALI E METODI Lo studio è stato suddiviso in tre sezioni principali. La prima parte delinea una panoramica del ragionamento clinico, con particolare riguardo al valore epistemologico del realismo per una adeguata impostazione del tema della razionalità clinica. La seconda sezione esplora la dimensione intuitiva nel ragionamento clinico, transitando dal terreno filosofico a quello propriamente medico. Attingendo alla tradizione metodologica popperiana e alle teorie del processo duale del pensiero, è stata sottolineata l'importanza delle ipotesi formulate dal medico, così come la loro intrinseca natura intuitiva. È stata condotta un'analisi della letteratura da entrambe le prospettive al fine di delineare una prima concettualizzazione dell'intuizione, mostrando i suoi punti di forza e di debolezza. Infine, l'ultima sezione del lavoro propone una cornice teorica per comprendere l'intuizione clinica, analizzando nello specifico la natura, l'oggetto e la logica del processo di tale dimensione conoscitiva, attraverso il supporto dato dalla presentazione di alcuni scenari clinici. La tradizione platonica, con le sue recenti rivisitazioni da parte di eminenti filosofi quali Michael Polanyi, è stato integrata con quella aristotelico-tomista, per un quadro più ampio e realistico dell'intuizione in medicina. RISULTATI A partire dalla chiarificazione di quei fondamenti filosofici utili per illuminare questa dimensione conoscitiva e il suo stretto legame con la generazione dell'ipotesi diagnostica, ha preso forma una proposta di definizione di intuizione clinica nei termini di una abilità cognitiva di natura intellettuale ed a-logica, che si manifesta in modo improvviso con una immediata consapevolezza del proprio contenuto e senza il ricorso ad un processo di ragionamento sequenziale. E' stata introdotta l'espressione "intuizione essenziale" per indicare la tendenza ad acquisire l'essenza o la causa formale del caso clinico investigato, ossia ciò che lo specifica dagli altri, anche se abbiamo ampiamente sottolineato che il contenuto intuitivo non può essere qualificato apoditticamente. L'esperienza intuitiva generalmente si verifica attraverso una ricognizione di analogie, ossia vedendo tracce nella situazione clinica investigata che richiamano alla mente regolarità già note ma applicate in altri scenari. Il riconoscimento di un pattern attraverso l'intuizione può essere inconscio o meno, così come veloce o prolungato nel tempo, in conseguenza di un insieme interconnesso di condizioni. Ciò ha suggerito che l'intuizione non è un costrutto unitario, potendone distinguere almeno due tipologie principali che hanno luogo in ambito clinico: quella ordinaria o analitica e quella straordinaria o creativa. Il quadro teorico emerso da questo studio ha rappresentato un punto di partenza per delineare un approccio educativo focalizzato su quei fattori che possono influenzare la genesi, l'immediatezza e l'efficacia dell'intuizione clinica. Questo aspetto non marginale dello studio è stato descritto proponendo l'espressione "ecologia dell'intuizione", che sta ad indicare le condizioni interne ed esterne al soggetto che possono influenzarne lo sviluppo, fermo restando che l'esperienza intuitiva non può essere puntualmente descritta con riguardo alle interrelazioni dinamiche che intervengono tra questi fattori. A tal proposito, in un prossimo futuro, sarebbe opportuno incentivare maggiori studi fenomenologici sull'intuizione clinica, al fine di promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza dei suoi aspetti taciti, raccogliendo al contempo dati utili per porre in essere un percorso di miglioramento dell'intuizione clinica più mirato ed informato.
L'intuizione in medicina: un approccio migliorativo al ragionamento clinico / Laura Leondina Campanozzi , 2016 Mar 07. 27. ciclo
L'intuizione in medicina: un approccio migliorativo al ragionamento clinico
RATIONAL Clinical reasoning is a skill that could be improved to the extent that we know what it entails. Nowadays, a new wave of scientism is taking place in clinical methodology, mainly due to the rapid success of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and the critical debate that has developed since its inception. The lack of due attention to the role of intuition in medicine is just one of many different aspects of this situation. In particular, a rational argument of clinical intuition is not possible if we advocate an epistemological approach uniquely focused on the measurable aspects of medical cognition. In this regard, an adequate epistemology of clinical reasoning should represent intuition as one of the determining factors of the quality of the diagnostic process, even if it goes beyond a purely quantitative research approach. TARGETS The aim of this study was to explore the role and concept of intuition in diagnostic reasoning from an epistemological point of view, being neither universally recognized nor systematically investigated. An attempt was made to broaden the understanding of clinical intuition by deepening the knowledge of its theoretical basis, consistent with its complex nature and its importance in medical practice. The present research has attempted to fill a gap between practice and theory of clinical intuition, freeing it of the prevailing uncritical perceptions and ambiguities, in order to favor an appropriate use of this important cognitive ability. On the basis of the proposed theoretical framework, an educational approach was discussed aimed at highlighting those conditions that can favor the triggering of intuition in medicine. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was divided into three main sections. The first part outlines an overview of clinical reasoning, with particular regard to the epistemological value of realism for an adequate approach to the theme of clinical rationality. The second section explores the intuitive dimension in clinical reasoning, moving from the philosophical to the strictly medical terrain. Drawing on the Popperian methodological tradition and the theories of the dual process of thought, the importance of the hypotheses formulated by the physician was emphasized, as well as their intrinsic intuitive nature. An analysis of the literature from both perspectives was conducted in order to outline a first conceptualization of the intuition, showing its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the last section of the work proposes a theoretical framework for understanding clinical intuition, specifically analyzing the nature, object and logic of the process of this cognitive dimension, through the support given by the presentation of some clinical scenarios. The Platonic tradition, with its recent reinterpretations by eminent philosophers such as Michael Polanyi, has been integrated with the Aristotelian-Thomistic one, for a broader and more realistic picture of intuition in medicine. RESULTS Starting from the clarification of those philosophical foundations useful for illuminating this cognitive dimension and its close link with the generation of the diagnostic hypothesis, a proposal for the definition of clinical intuition in terms of a cognitive ability of an intellectual and a-logical nature has taken shape, which manifests itself suddenly with an immediate awareness of its content and without resorting to a process of sequential reasoning. The expression "essential intuition" has been introduced to indicate the tendency to acquire the essence or the formal cause of the clinical case investigated, that is what specifies it from the others, even if we have amply emphasized that the intuitive content cannot be qualified apodictically. Intuitive experience generally occurs through a recognition of analogies, that is, seeing traces in the clinical situation investigated that recall regularities already known but applied in other scenarios. The recognition of a pattern through intuition can be unconscious or not, as well as fast or prolonged over time, as a consequence of an interconnected set of conditions. This suggested that intuition is not a unitary construct, being able to distinguish at least two main types that occur in the clinical setting: the ordinary or analytical one and the extraordinary or creative one. The theoretical framework that emerged from this study represented a starting point for outlining an educational approach focused on those factors that can influence the genesis, immediacy and effectiveness of clinical intuition. This non-marginal aspect of the study was described by proposing the expression "ecology of intuition", which indicates the internal and external conditions of the subject that can influence its development, it being understood that the intuitive experience cannot be accurately described with regarding the dynamic interrelationships that intervene between these factors. In this regard, in the near future, it would be appropriate to encourage more phenomenological studies on clinical intuition, in order to promote greater awareness of its tacit aspects, while collecting useful data to implement a path to improve clinical intuition more targeted and informed.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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