Facoltà Dipartimentale di Ingegneria
A hybrid filtering and maximum likelihood approach to SLAM
2010-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Martinelli, Agostino
A Kalman filter approach for denoising and deblurring 3-D images by multi-view data
2013-01-01 Conte, F.; Germani, A.; Iannello, G.
A Kalman Filter Approach for Denoising and Deblurring 3-D Microscopy Images
2013-01-01 Conte, F; Germani, A; Iannello, G
A New Approach for Deconvolution and Filtering of 3-D Microscopy Images
2011-01-01 Conte, F.; Germani, A.; Iannello, G.
A new approach for planar tracking in a nongaussian setting
2011-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Cusimano, Valerio; Germani, Alfredo
A new filtering approach for continuous-time linear systems with delayed measurements
2014-01-01 Cacace, F.; Conte, F.; Germani, A.
A new hybrid AI optimal management method for renewable energy communities
2022-01-01 Conte, F.; D'Antoni, F.; Natrella, G.; Merone, M.
A new method for the simultaneous estimation of state and delay in time delay systems
2015-01-01 Cacace, F.; Conte, F.; Germani, A.; Palombo, G.
A Non-Intrusive Load Disaggregation Tool based on Smart Meter Data for Residential Buildings
2023-01-01 Baglietto, Giovanni; Massucco, Stefano; Silvestro, Federico; Vinci, Andrea; Conte, Francesco
A separation theorem for a class of MIMO discrete-time nonlinear systems
2012-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Cusimano, Valerio; Germani, Alfredo
A Stochastic Optimization Method for Planning and Real-Time Control of Integrated PV-Storage Systems: Design and Experimental Validation
2017-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Massucco, Stefano; Saviozzi, Matteo; Silvestro, Federico
An Efficiency-Based Power Management Strategy for an Isolated Microgrid Project
2022-01-01 Conte, F.; D'Agostino, F.; Mosaico, G.; Silvestro, F.; Grillo, S.
An efficient solution of the perspective problem via a suitable delay Riccati equation
2011-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Cusimano, Valerio; Germani, Alfredo
An Optimal Model-Based Control Technique to Improve Wind Farm Participation to Frequency Regulation
2015-01-01 Baccino, Francesco; Conte, Francesco; Grillo, Samuele; Massucco, Stefano; Silvestro, Federico
An Optimization Problem for Day-Ahead Planning of Electrical Energy Aggregators
2020-01-01 Conte, F.; Saviozzi, M.; Grillo, S.
Approccio probabilistico per la sicurezza
2023-01-01 Ciapessoni, Emanuele; Cirio, Diego; Pitto, Andrea; Conte, Francesco; Massucco, Stefano; Mosaico, Gabriele; Saviozzi, Matteo
Assessment of State Estimation Methods for Power Systems with Uncertain Parameters
2020-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Gabriele, Bruno; Schiapparelli, Giacomo-Piero
Characterization Methods for the State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries
2018-01-01 Conte, F.; Massucco, S.; Saviozzi, M.; Silvestro, F.; Grillo, S.
Controllo dei carichi termostatici per la sicurezza del sistema elettrico
2017-01-01 Ciapessoni, E.; Cirio, D.; Pitto, A.; Conte, F.; Massucco, S.; Silvestro, F.
Cooperative Localization and SLAM Based on the Extended Information Filter
2011-01-01 Conte, Francesco; Cristofaro, Andrea; Renzaglia, Alessandro; Martinelli, Agostino